

Project Approved | Han Hydrogen Technology Ningxia Annual Production of 12000 Tons of Hydrogen Production Project

  • Time:2023-12-16 21:46:53
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  • Visits: 293次

Project Approved | Han Hydrogen Technology Ningxia Annual Production of 12000 Tons of Hydrogen Production Project

  • Time: 2023-12-16 21:46:53
  • Author:
  • Visits:293次
On December 13th, Han Hydrogen Technology's annual production of 12000 tons of electrolytic water hydrogen project was approved for filing. The construction site of this project is located in Taiyangshan Development Zone, Wuzhong City, Ningxia.
Project Approved | Han Hydrogen Technology Ningxia Annual Production of 12000 Tons of Hydrogen Production Project
Han Hydrogen Technology began collaborating with the professor team as early as 2019 to carry out research on new nano electrodes and achieved success; At the same time, based on long-term technological accumulation and experience, Han Hydrogen Technology boldly and clearly optimized the structure of the electrolytic cell and compared and analyzed various types of electrolytic membranes through a large number of experiments. Finally, it successfully developed a groundbreaking new alkaline infinite frame electrolytic cell, and officially released the enterprise's innovative research and development achievement on May 25, 2023: a new generation of high-performance electrolytic water hydrogen production device. One of the important technical indicators, current density, can achieve a far higher level of 8000A/㎡ than the industry level and achieve long-term stable operation (the stable operation level within the industry is below 3000A/㎡).
Project Approved | Han Hydrogen Technology Ningxia Annual Production of 12000 Tons of Hydrogen Production Project

Han Hydrogen Technology began collaborating with the professor team as early as 2019 to carry out research on new nano electrodes and achieved success; At the same time, based on long-term technological accumulation and experience, Han Hydrogen Technology boldly and clearly optimized the structure of the electrolytic cell and compared and analyzed various types of electrolytic membranes through a large number of experiments. Finally, it successfully developed a groundbreaking new alkaline infinite frame electrolytic cell, and officially released the enterprise's innovative research and development achievement on May 25, 2023: a new generation of high-performance electrolytic water hydrogen production device. One of the important technical indicators, current density, can achieve a far higher level of 8000A/㎡ than the industry level and achieve long-term stable operation (the stable operation level within the industry is below 3000A/㎡).

Project Approved | Han Hydrogen Technology Ningxia Annual Production of 12000 Tons of Hydrogen Production Project

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