

Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference

  • Time:2023-08-22 02:40:03
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  • Visits: 487次

Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference

  • Time: 2023-08-22 02:40:03
  • Author:
  • Visits:487次
On August 18th, the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Conference with the theme of "Focusing on Hydrogen Chain Manufacturing and Helping Hydrogen City Take Off" opened at the Puyang Guesthouse in Henan Province. Nearly 300 top experts, scholars, and industry elites from all over China gathered in Puyang to attend the "Hydrogen" event, discuss the "Hydrogen" cause together, and plan for the future of "Hydrogen". Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to attend the conference.
Before the opening of the exhibition, the mayor and other leaders from various departments visited the hydrogen energy equipment exhibition, and the latest "infinite frame electrolytic cell" developed by Beijing Han Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the exhibition.
Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference
On August 18th, the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Conference with the theme of "Focusing on Hydrogen Chain Manufacturing and Helping Hydrogen City Take Off" opened at the Puyang Guesthouse in Henan Province. Nearly 300 top experts, scholars, and industry elites from all over China gathered in Puyang to attend the "Hydrogen" event, discuss the "Hydrogen" cause together, and plan for the future of "Hydrogen". Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to attend the conference.
Before the opening of the exhibition, the mayor and other leaders from various departments visited the hydrogen energy equipment exhibition, and the latest "infinite frame electrolytic cell" developed by Beijing Han Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the exhibition.
Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference
In the afternoon "Hydrogen Energy Storage, Transportation and Processing Technology Sub Forum", Yang Zhenkun, Director of the External Relations Department of PGO Hydrogen Energy Research Institute, served as the forum host to welcome elites from various hydrogen energy industries to attend the forum. Wang Kun, Assistant Chairman of Beijing Han Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd., represented the company to share the innovative technology direction and achievements of alkaline electrolysis tanks
Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference
He stated that alkaline electrolysis cells, as a key technology for hydrogen production, provide a feasible way to achieve energy transformation. By using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to drive alkaline electrolysis cells, green hydrogen production can be achieved, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting sustainable development goals. It is predicted that in the next 20 years, alkaline electrolysis water equipment will be the preferred technological equipment for converting green energy into hydrogen energy. Other types of electrolysis water equipment, such as PEM, SOEC and other technologies, still need to be mature and cost reduced.
Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference
He pointed out that most of the shortcomings of alkaline water splitting hydrogen production equipment are complex technical processes, which have been used to this day without significant innovation and improvement. Specifically, in terms of results, the current density is low. Currently, the current density of mainstream devices is generally around 3000A/m ? Left and right, the electrolytic cell is incredibly large and heavy. At the same time, high manufacturing costs and limited production capacity make it difficult to meet the demand for large-scale green energy conversion to hydrogen energy.
He proposed the direction of progress in alkaline electrolysis water technology: optimization of electrolytic cell structure design, seeking new materials, abandoning traditional/highly toxic vanadium pentoxide catalytic technology, etc.
Han Hydrogen Technology has taken an important step towards developing better electrolytic cells. Han Hydrogen Technology's independently developed infinite frame electrolytic cell has a stable operating current density of 6500A/m ?, At present, the on-site testing of Baotou Jingao Solar Energy has performed well, with a unit cubic meter of hydrogen consuming approximately 4.5KWh of electricity (actual on-site 4.48KWh), which is the power consumption level of the entire system. At the same time, the power fluctuation response is sensitive, and the speed is comparable to that of PEM electrolysis systems; The cold start time can reach 100% hydrogen gas output within 10 minutes.
Beijing Hanhydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. is invited to participate in the 2023 Puyang Hydrogen Industry Development Conference
He pointed out that most of the shortcomings of alkaline water splitting hydrogen production equipment are complex technical processes, which have been used to this day without significant innovation and improvement. Specifically, in terms of results, the current density is low. Currently, the current density of mainstream devices is generally around 3000A/m ? Left and right, the electrolytic cell is incredibly large and heavy. At the same time, high manufacturing costs and limited production capacity make it difficult to meet the demand for large-scale green energy conversion to hydrogen energy.
He proposed the direction of progress in alkaline electrolysis water technology: optimization of electrolytic cell structure design, seeking new materials, abandoning traditional/highly toxic vanadium pentoxide catalytic technology, etc.
Han Hydrogen Technology has taken an important step towards developing better electrolytic cells. Han Hydrogen Technology's independently developed infinite frame electrolytic cell has a stable operating current density of 6500A/m ?, At present, the on-site testing of Baotou Jingao Solar Energy has performed well, with a unit cubic meter of hydrogen consuming approximately 4.5KWh of electricity (actual on-site 4.48KWh), which is the power consumption level of the entire system. At the same time, the power fluctuation response is sensitive, and the speed is comparable to that of PEM electrolysis systems; The cold start time can reach 100% hydrogen gas output within 10 minutes.
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