

Han Hydrogen Technology is a well-known company that advocates for the utilization of green hydrogen energy. It enjoys extraordinary research and development achievements in the field of electrolytic water hydrogen production equipment and has outstanding technical capabilities in the synthesis of chemical products using green hydrogen.

Hanhydrogen Technology was established in 2003, and its main business area is providing green hydrogen energy related equipment and green hydrogen chemical technology solutions.

Product Center

  • Full series of 5-30OONm3/h alkaline cell stacks that areindependently designed and subvert the traditionalprocess technology, for which BHT has independentintellectual property rights.

  • It's highly integrated which benefits from thecompact structure based on the non electrodeholder cell-stack, the skid-mounted 1000Nm3/hhydrogen generator system by water electrolysis canbe excellently installed in the container truck to meetcustomer customization needs.

  • Including type lll and type lV cylinder, customizationservices of hydrogen storage and supply systems,design and manufacturing of hydrogen storagevessels,including on-site installation engineeringservices.
  • Han Hydrogen Technology has the ability to design, develop, manufacture, integrate, and construct high-pressure hydrogen fixed and skid mounted hydrogen refueling stations, as well as the technical capability of liquid hydrogen storage and refueling stations.
    It has the advantages of low equipment investment cost, small footprint, high operational safety, low maintenance cost, and good hydrogen quality.
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